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  • WeDO Election Hustings
     21 April 2021
     11:00 am - 12:30 pm

    After a tumultuous past few months in Scottish politics, the election is taking place on 6th May 2021.  In a year unlike any other due to the pandemic, businesses have found themselves in unprecedented waters and wondering what the future will hold.  Join us for our hustings event to hear the manifestos from each party and hear the debate.  We will be curating a list of questions from attendees prior to the event and there will also be time allocated to enable attendees to ask questions live at the event.

    This will be an excellent opportunity to enable the Scottish business community to make informed decisions on how they will vote having heard from each party.  We are very grateful to Ken Symon for agreeing to chair the event and to each party representative for taking the time to join us at this event.

    Please click HERE if you would like to submit a question to be asked at the event.  Due to time limitations, we cannot guarantee that every question will be asked, however we will select the most popular and similar ones.


    Ken Symon, Editor of insider.co.uk


      SNP: Jamie Hepburn MSP – Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills

      CONSERVATIVES:  Murdo Fraser MSP – Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance

      LABOUR:  Daniel Johnson MSP – Party Spokesperson on Finance


      LIBERAL DEMOCRATS:  Christine Jardine MP – Party Spokeperson for Treasury, spokesperson for Europe, Exiting the European Union and Trade & spokesperson for International Trade

      You can add this event to your calendar and will receive the Zoom link details in your registration confirmation email.

      If you’re interested in finding out more about WeDO, click HERE.

      To apply for membership, click HERE.