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  • Members Strategy Begins At Home
     5 May 2020
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

“What you do doesn’t matter if you aren’t in the right mindset.”

Tony Robbins

Mindset is everything when it comes to being successful. It doesn’t matter how talented you are or how many connections you have. If you don’t have the right mindset you’ll never maximise your capabilities and success.

As business leaders, we have a responsibility both to ourselves and our teams to lead by example. At no time is this more true than during a crisis such as we’re all facing currently. We need to be projecting our winning mindsets to our teams and clients, but how do we achieve that during tough times?

A winner’s mindset acknowledges that whatever adversity they face, they will become successful.

We’re delighted to have Liz Hoskin, Chief Radiator at Positive Qualities, WeDO Executive Team Ambassador & Awards Judge and trustee on the Board of the Chartered Management Institute hosting this event for us.  Liz quite literally radiates positivity and workshops she hosted at our Conference in the past received rave reviews. 

Primary topics Liz will be sharing with us include: 

  • Principles of Building Your Winner’s Mindset
  • Inspirational Resources to Maintain Your Winner’s Mindset


Liz’s passion is people and she has learned to read others, which gives her an advantage on how she deals with them. She says: “When you understand how another person is feeling, you can flex your message and communication style to make sure it is received in the best way possible.”

This is extremely useful in the boardroom or when dealing with complex negotiations.

She has worked on takeovers, litigation and culture change, sharing her many tools and techniques and providing feedback with businesses to enable them to reach the outcomes they require.

Liz has worked in retail as a manager for Marks & Spencer Plc, Tesco, House of Fraser and has been in Training and Development for over 30 years.

She set up Positive Qualities Ltd to Make a Positive Difference to businesses and this has led her to develop a Change Management Toolbox, the W.O.W. System™ which can enable change to happen in less than 24 hrs.  

She has partnered with Queen Margaret University to measure the effectiveness of the W.O.W. System and they carried out research across three different industries, which produced a result of 92% reporting they found positive benefits from the W.O.W. System™. The most frequently reported benefit was on outside facing interactions (dealing with customers/ clients) which is a key part of the W.O.W. System™.  This is followed by internal facing interactions which is all about the effectiveness of teamworking and employee engagement. This has led to Positive Qualities Ltd to trial an online version of the W.O.W. System™ to increase their geographical reach.

Liz is a member of both the Female Entrepreneur Association and the Association of Scottish Businesswomen.