Members Returning to Work
2 July 2020
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
We will all return to a very different workplace from the one we left in March. The measures that will be necessary to comply with Government Guidelines will be significant. And you will need to provide comfort and reassurance to your team and customers that you are doing things right and can provide a safe and secure environment for them.
This may well include a blended approach, retaining some remote working, which presents its own challenge and risks. The event will explore the challenges and offer solutions to the Covid-19 workplace safety challenge.
As always, there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
Ian Pilbeam heads up the HR Dept in Edinburgh, providing outsourced HR and Health & Safety support to many local businesses. With 30 years HR experience he is well known for providing straight forward and engaging advice to business owners, backed up by a team of HR and Health & Safety experts.
Over the lockdown period The HR Dept have worked tirelessly to save local businesses and livelihoods, and are now supporting businesses across all sectors to plan the “new normal” for their teams and working environments.
Members, please check your text messages or in the events section of our app for the link to register after which you will be emailed the dial-in details. Remember you can submit a maximum of 2 questions prior to the event – instructions are in the confirmation email.
Our series of COVID-19 Support Events are FREE for WeDO Scotland members and take place twice weekly in addition to our weekly Snack & Share events every Tuesday lunchtime from 12:30pm – 1:30pm, our weekly Social Drinks on Thursdays at 5pm, our fortnightly topic based events and monthly ‘In The Trenches’ events.
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