November Networking Breakfast
3 November 2022
8:30 am - 10:00 am
After the success and popularity of our Networking Breakfasts in Edinburgh, we launched them in Glasgow in June 2022 and they’re proving to be a key monthly event in the Scottish business calendar. They are open events where both members of WeDO and non-members are welcome. Offering a fantastic opportunity to spend a full hour networking, we alternate each month between an entrepreneurial speaker who will share their journey (including challenges faced – no rose tinted glasses overviews!) and topic based, where the speaker will share their expertise and tips on a specific subject. Places are limited to 50 to enable effective networking and are allocated on a first come first served basis. Please note that tickets must be booked in advance and will not be available on the door.
This month, we are delighted to be welcoming Ryan Longmuir, founder and Managing Director of Regis Banqueting who is joining us at both our Glasgow and Edinburgh breakfasts. Our founder first met Ryan and heard his story over 10 years ago & has never forgotten how inspired she was; the memory has remained with her ever since.
Born Cumbernauld, Ryan has a checkered past during a mis-spent youth. He began experimenting with drugs when he was 12, initially because he was curious and had fallen in with likeminded friends. From the age of 15 to 20, he took drugs every single day. He was subsequently caught importing drugs into New Zealand in 1999, which was the catalyst for change and when he embarked on his journey as an entrepreneur.
Ryan founded Regis Banqueting in 2002 and hasn’t looked back since. Regis provides catering for business meetings and lunches, contract catering for conference centres and catering for large events from gala dinners, product launches, weddings and private parties. The business employs 30 full time staff and 90 part time staff. Ryan has always remained focused on helping others who face addiction and poverty, not least by employing many former addicts and ex-offenders.
During lockdown, in 2020 alone, Regis had 300 weddings and event catering bookings cancelled or postponed. The business went from projecting a healthy £2 million turnover to £400,000.
Alongside Simon Community and the Cumbernauld Resilience Group, Ryan donated thousands of meals to homeless and vulnerable people and the elderly, as well as partnering with Social Bite and The 10:10 Trust.
We saw first-hand how difficult things had become for people from the start of lockdown which is why I took the decision, with the help of a fantastic team of volunteers, to do something really positive. As soon as we were forced to close, we decided to distribute the food we had in our fridges and freezers to those in greatest need and it really snowballed from there. We also set up a JustGiving page which raised £3,435 to provide meals for the homeless in Glasgow.”
Ryan has been an Ambassador for The Princes Trust since 2009, the organisation which helped him to expand the business into contract catering with a £5,000 loan 20 years ago.
He has a passion to help people with life-controlling addictions to find freedom and regularly speaks and inspires countless audiences, both young and old. Ryan has been married for 20 years to the love of his life, Shirley- Ann, they have a 15 year old son Euan, a 12 year old daughter Erin and his youngest, Arran, who is 8. In his spare time, he is an expert skier and enjoys hitting a golf ball.
Join us to hear Ryan’s inspirational journey to date. the ups and downs and what he has learnt so far from this hugely inspiring and impressive entrepreneur.
Anyone with an interest in business who is looking for an enjoyable networking event! Unlike many speaker events, there is a full hour allocated to networking which has been missed by so many during the pandemic.
The ticket price of £20 + VAT for members and £25 + VAT for non-members. The ticket price includes tea/coffee and a bacon roll or fruit salad. Please select your choice when booking your ticket.
A VAT invoice will be issued once you have booked your ticket. Please note that ticket sales end at 2pm on Tuesday 1st November.
Tickets can be cancelled and refunded by emailing [email protected]. We regret that any tickets cancelled after 12 noon on Thursday 27th of October will not be applicable for refunds for any reason. Tickets can be transferred to a different name until Tuesday 1st November at 5pm by emailing [email protected]
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