Laurence Heron
What was your first job after leaving school/further education?
I went down to London for the weekend as a jobless post-grad and by Monday had a great job working with BT in their Marketing Intelligence, Planning and Pricing Unit Headquarters Co-ordination (mercifully shortened to MIPPUHQ internally!). I had a series of temporary clerical roles in various departments, until I decided I would pursue a career in marketing through medical sales after a further years post graduate study back in Scotland (in Ecology and Animal Behaviour – not entirely relevant but I’d already been accepted!).
When did you start your business & what prompted you to do it?
As with many people during lockdown I had a “moment of clarity” and decided to change course, instead of travelling/living globally in the corporate world to settle down. The obvious choice for someone with 30 years of corporate executive and business owner experience was helping other people to grow their business and navigate challenges, so I bought the Business Doctors business strategy advisory and coaching franchise for the wonderful Edinburgh region, starting in December 2021.
What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced to date?
Many, but I regard them all as learning lessons and opportunities for good things to happen. The global pandemic has been very challenging for the medical imaging devices manufacturer I am still associated with as a co-founder, although we are navigating our way through it. The opportunity from that has been Business Doctors, which has been one of the greatest lifestyle choices I have ever made (less money but more happiness!). Business Doctors Edinburgh is going to plan, although the plan assumed no income for the first six months, so now I need to focus on building revenue to stay on plan.
How did you overcome them?
Going back to basics. Adapting and revising strategy and operations to suit the new environment and challenges. On a personal front making the change I did had some risk, but careful planning and desire to succeed are the drivers for eventual success.
What would you do differently now looking back?
Not necessarily anything career wise. It has been global, interesting and varied and I have been able to gain the widest range of skills. Where bad things happened good things invariably followed as a result! I saw the world and had a couple of lovely kids as a result.
What or who has helped you to grow your business the most?
Many helped me but one stands out. When I started my own business in Australia I had a very dear older friend in who effectively became my guru and business confidant. I am eternally grateful for his kindness and guidance. Sadly he passed from cancer a few years ago, but is remembered and loved by many.
What achievement are you most proud of?
I was proud of starting my Sydney distribution business and building it from a bedroom office to a multi-million pound enterprise with a closely knit and motivated team of employees and partners.
What are the future plans for your business?
I want to remain a one person operation, building my client base into a group of people who trust that I will help and support them to successfully grow their businesses and navigate any challenges and opportunities.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to set up their own business?
Ask yourself why you are doing it? How does it fit in with your personality, aspirations and values. Once you are certain it is for you then research and plan carefully, devising your strategy and budget before hitting the start button. Lastly, I would ask them to remember that trust is the most important thing in every relationship and therefore key to growing your business, so focus on building that above all and good things will come back to you.
Tell us something about you that isn’t commonly known.
I am an Australian as well as a UK citizen, and was born and brought up in a small Scottish town of Stranraer on the South West tip of Galloway, called the Rhins.
I have a forklift drivers licence (valid in Massachusetts only) which I like to think shows I’m not just a desk jockey!
And finally, why did you join WeDO?
I was introduced to it by Alexis Girard. I liked the sound of it because it seemed to be geared towards being a business community helping each other to grow and thrive and I sensed it is a trusting and productive environment. When I visited the tail end of the event last week and observed people, and spoke to the organisers Belinda and Justine, it confirmed my positive impressions.
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