Opportunity to Mentor on a 20 Week Business Accelerator Programme

Published by Admin on

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Join the Entrepreneurial Revolution Now!

WeDO member Kallum Russell of?Acorn Enterprise, is dedicated to growing Scotland’s start-up business culture. ?Acorn Enterprise aims to break down the barriers that prevent or limit people from launching their own business and accelerating their progress. Their three main services are: the FREE 20 Week Business Accelerator Programme, Entrepreneurial Events and Acorn 3D Printing.

On the FREE 20 Week Business Accelerator Programme, they work with a limited number of selected business owners, who they call ‘Acorns‘, to develop their confidence, business connections, skills and clarity. Acorn Enterprise is on a mission to help 501 new businesses start-up via their Programme in 3 years (by September 2017).

They do this by offering their ‘Acorns’: office space to encourage collaboration and networking, weekly seminars to develop and challenge (covering topics such as marketing, finance and sales), and a business mentor who acts as a sounding board and provides accountability.

Acorn Enterprise could not run without their partners or the support and dedication of a number of local business owners who give up their time for free to help out on the Programme by hosting one of the weekly seminars or by mentoring the ‘Acorns’.

Are you willing and able to support the next generation of Scottish entrepreneurs? Do you want to give back to the business community? Do you want to challenge others to push through their barriers and be challenged yourself? If you answered ‘YES’ to these questions then Acorn Enterprise wants to hear from you!

Acorn Enterprise are?currently seeking mentors to help them grow Scotland’s start-up business culture and if this is something you can help them with, please contact Team Acorn now: [email protected] or 01383 427305.

?Remember, from little Acorns…mighty Oaks grow!

?acorn enterprice blog pic


Categories: Business Updates


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