Members Negotiating with Your Bank
3 April 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
This is the third in our series of COVID-19 Support Events which are FREE for WeDO Scotland members and will be taking place twice weekly in addition to our weekly Brainstorming meetings every Monday at 11am.
For some of our members, this will be the first time you have found yourself in the situation of having to prepare a business plan for your bank or potential lender. Since the financial crash, banks in particular have become increasingly risk-averse and whilst the CBILS & CCFF support from the Government are deemed to be positive, some are finding it challenging to obtain the funding they require.
Since the financial crash, banks have become increasingly risk-averse and whilst the CBILS & CCFF support from the Government are deemed to be positive, some are finding it challenging to obtain the funding required.
We’re delighted to have WeDO member and corporate finance & business plan specialist Alan Watt joining us. Our thanks to him for kindly giving his time and sharing his expertise with us which we know will be invaluable.
Alan Watt is a law graduate and a qualified chartered accountant (Ernst & Young). He has over 20 years of fund-raising experience and as a venture capital investor, lender with a major bank, transaction advisor and business owner. He has reviewed 500+ business plans and prepared & written 100+ to support owners raise equity or debt finance. Typically, the business plan is supported by a tailored financial model to outline the cash requirements and illustrate the future rewards of the growth proposition.
Alan’s consultancy business, Reference Point Advisory (“RPA”), includes the services of Sarah Fraser, an Ernst & Young qualified chartered accountant. RPA is passionate about supporting ambitious entrepreneurs secure the funding they require to protect and grow their businesses. In the current market, this requires a holistic approach to assisting the business meet a wide variety of financing challenges alongside a strong empathy in understanding the entrepreneur’s vision.
Please check your text messages or in the events section of our app for the link to register after which you will be emailed the dial-in details. Remember to submit your 2 questions prior to the event – instructions are in the confirmation email.
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